Barn Theatre Club presents
WARNING: Growing Pains contains swearing and references to suicide and mental illness. Recommended age 12A.
Southey's writing is charming and heart-breaking. A beautiful message.

By Kim Southey & Lindsay PriceGrowing Pains Directed by Kim Southey

Growing Pains and Tuna Fish Eulogy
19th – 22nd February 2025 at 8:00pm

The evening will include Growing Pains by Kim Southey; and Tuna Fish Eulogy by Lindsay Price

Growing Pains – A coming-of-age comical drama, exploring the challenges of leaving behind a childhood you’re reluctant to let go of.

Tuna Fish Eulogy – Albert was no ordinary child. He liked nothing more than to sit and count his tins of tuna in his kitchen cupboard. One day, he was found dead and two tins were missing. Twelve years later, his grown-up ghost has returned to interview his mother and the babysitter to reconcile what happened. Did they do it, or was it suicide?

Box Office Information

Monday – Friday | 9am – 7pm
Saturday | 9am – 5pm

Musicals: Ticket prices for musicals may differ.

Members' Tickets

Member tickets are £12 for most main-stage productions. To access this special price, use the password published in Barn News. Members’ discount is not available on the last night.


A photo of Ian Major
Ian Major

Ian Major

Welcome to the Barn Theatre website. Here you can find out about what’s going on and who we are, and you can also buy tickets for all our productions. I’m sure you’ll find something you want to watch.

We are well into the season and audiences are enjoying the wide selection of plays. The casts and crews are ready and auditions and rehearsals are under way for productions later in the season.

We have a thriving membership, and our club nights are very popular, including Jazz at the Barn and comedy nights. There’s also Singers at the Barn every month.

Please think about joining us and playing a part, as every show needs lots of volunteers on stage, backstage and helping out with the bar and box office. The Barn is open to everyone, and it’s a great way to make new friends. There’s a link on the Membership page where you can join.

I look forward to seeing you at the theatre.


The Girl on the Train at the Barn Theatre Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire
Opening 21st March
By Rachel Wagstaff and Duncan Abel



Do you have a question? Do you need help?

Feel free to contact us and we’ll be more than happy to answer your questions.

If you need to contact a specific department eg. Box Office, please select it from the dropdown list.

Top Person @ 12 O'ClockPerson @ 2 O'ClockPerson @ 5 O'ClockPerson @ 7 O'ClockPerson @ 9 O'ClockCentre Heart

Diversity, Equality & Inclusion Statement

At the Barn we are committed to promoting equality and challenging discrimination in all its forms. We strive to create a safe and inclusive environment for all members of the cast and creative team, regardless of their race, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity and will work to prevent any form of discrimination or harassment within our organisation.

Charity Preview Night
6th February at 8.00pm

CEDAR Trust Tickets

All Other Performances
7th – 15th February at 8.00pm
Matinee on 15th at 2.00pm