Venue Hire – Terms & Conditions


  • Bookings are accepted, and rooms are charged, to the nearest half-hour (minimum of 1 hour)
  • Rooms are available for hire 7 days a week 8am to 12 midnight. But be aware the theatre is heavily used with weekday evenings being generally unavailable. The Barn Theatre will always prioritise internal activities over external hires (see conditions below on cancelling regular bookings)
  • We are happy to host parties for barn members at the theatre for birthdays (over 25) or other events.
  • Hire charges for wakes of current or recent members now deceased will be free of charge with the exception of the payment of any bar staff and/or cleaning.
  • Bringing your own alcoholic drinks onto the premises will attract a corkage fee, please inquire for rates.
  • Under no circumstances may alcoholic drink be sold privately on the Barn Theatre premises.
  • The hirer will only use the rooms/premises for the purpose agreed at the time of booking and as shown on the booking form.
  • Hirers must ensure that the times and areas on the booking form are strictly adhered to and premises are left in a clean state at the end of the hire period.
  • Smoking is strictly not permitted in any part of the Barn Theatre building (you are in a wooden 400+ year-old barn).
  • No candles or naked flames may be used inside any part of the building without the prior written consent of the stage director. (a notice will be required in order to obtain the necessary local authority permissions)
  • It is the responsibility of the hirer to have all necessary licences, checks, insurances and qualifications in relation to UK legal requirements in order to hold any event on the Barn Theatre premises. E.g. Food safety, DBS
  • Bookings are not confirmed until confirmation has been received from the booking secretary by the hirer after submission of the booking form.

Payments & Cancellation

  • For single use hires, the hire fee must be paid at least 14 days in advance, preferably at the time of booking. For regular users fees must be paid as individually agreed and arranged.
  • Invoices are sent via e-mail and payment accepted by cheque, card or bank transfer

We are sorry but we are unable to accept payment by American Express.

  • Late or non-payment will result in bookings being cancelled.
  • Any booking cancelled with less than 24 hours notice in advance will be charged the full rate as agreed at the time of booking,
  • The Barn Theatre reserves the right to cancel bookings at any time if the premises are required for Barn Theatre activities or the Barn Theatre considers the use of the premises to be in breach of our terms and conditions or if in the view of the Barn council is not in the best interests of the club.
  • The Barn Theatre reserve the right to decline a booking without giving a reason.

Buildings & Surroundings

  • The named hirer on the completed booking form will be the person responsible for all conduct on the premises and whilst their guests arrive or leave the premises. Please be mindful of our neighbours when leaving, especially late at night. Any issues may result in future booking requests being declined.
  • There is limited parking available for vehicles directly outside the theatre. This car park is owned and operated by Welwyn & Hatfield Council. If it is necessary to park elsewhere, please be mindful of local residents and other road users. The hirer is responsible for ensuring this is adhered to.
  • The named hirer on the completed booking form will be held responsible for any damage to property during the hire period. The Barn Theatre will charge the hirer for any damage caused to their area of hire during their period of hire.
  • Any areas of the barn used must be returned to the state and condition in which they were when you arrived with furniture, table & chairs returned to the correct locations. A charge will be made if extra cleaning is required. The sum of the charge will be dependent on the cleaning task required.
  • Please remove all litter from the premises after use.
  • All users are recommended to insure themselves against the risk of damage to or loss of property, or personal injury, caused by their activities on the Barn Theatre premises.
  • The Barn Theatre shall not accept responsibility for any personal or other property brought onto the premises.

Safety & Evacuation

  • Hirers are responsible for familiarising themselves with exit routes and emergency procedures for the area they are hiring. In the event of the fire alarm sounding the hirer is responsible for ensuring their group leave the building immediately by the safest and fastest route.
  • The hirer is responsible for communicating any evacuation and emergency procedures to their group or party.
  • In the event of an emergency, the hirer is responsible for contacting the emergency services and liaising with them as appropriate. Under no circumstance should the hirer put themselves or any member of their group in danger.
  • Once any immediate emergency has been dealt with, the hirer must report as early as possible all details to the bookings secretary on 01438 362436 or 0797 3238346
  • No item of electrical equipment may be used in the Barn Theatre without the prior consent of the stage or facilities director and an up to date PAT test.
  • First Aid boxes are located in the box office, the green room, off stage left and behind the bar area.
  • Any accident or use of the first aid boxes must be reported to the facilities director on an accident form.

Regular Hires

  • The Barn Theatre reserves the right to request any regular booking to either move space or cancel should the area be required for a Barn Theatre activity. If this is required, the Barn Theatre will provide a minimum of 2 months’ notice. If the booking is cancelled by The Barn Theatre then an appropriate refund will be applied.
  • The hirer may terminate the regular booking at any time by providing a minimum of 2 months’ notice to the Barn Theatre. Monies paid in advance will be refunded.

By submitting your booking form you are agreeing to abide by the terms and conditions as laid out on pages 1 & 2. You are agreeing that the nominated person named on the form will remain present throughout the booking.

Updated: 19th May 2022



Do you have a question? Do you need help?

Feel free to contact us and we’ll be more than happy to answer your questions.

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Charity Preview Night
6th February at 8.00pm

CEDAR Trust Tickets

All Other Performances
7th – 15th February at 8.00pm
Matinee on 15th at 2.00pm