Laurie Skelton

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Laurie has participated in 3 productions at the Barn.

Laurie studied music and drama at A-level. Leaving Hitchin Girls’ School in 2007 she was already an enthusiastic member of The Whitwell Players, also performing in Beauty and The Beast at the Gordon Craig Theatre. Laurie has taken lead roles in three pantomimes including Snow White and Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz. More recently she has appeared in several one-act plays and a production of ’Allo ’Allo as waitress Mimi La Bonk. Laurie also loves to play and sing. She guests regularly with The Hometown Boys and The Elm Street Band.



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Charity Preview Night
6th February at 8.00pm

CEDAR Trust Tickets

All Other Performances
7th – 15th February at 8.00pm
Matinee on 15th at 2.00pm