Stewards – Roles & Responsibilities

Role #

The Stewards’ role involves Health and Safety together with Public Relations: done well it ensures the safety of the audience and contributes to the enjoyment of their visit to the Barn.

If you add your name to the volunteer list for a production and are unable for any reason to fulfill your responsibility please remember to inform Wendy.

Please dress smartly and arrive at the theatre by 7:00pm.  Report to the House Manager who will issue you with your badge a high vis jacket and a torch. Members of the public are not allowed in the building until a minimum set of staff are in place.

Responsibilities #

  • Ice Creams – The steward in D1 will usually be responsible for ice creams. Your first task is to check the freezer is unlocked and has sufficient stock. Obtain more ice cream from the bar.
  • Programmes – Both Stewards sell Programmes in the Foyer at the beginning of the evening. Whilst we prefer card payments, you may accept cash if the customer has not alternative.
  • Meeting & Greeting – Please stay in the foyer and greet the audience.  Be aware of people arriving who may be coming for the first time.  Take time to point out the coffee bar and bar and that they can pre-order drinks for the interval. Also, point out where the toilets and coat hooks are.
  • Mobility Assistance – Offer assistance to anyone who may have mobility issues or wheelchair users.  Check if any further assistance is required: do they want a drink or coffee in the interval and would they like it brought to them in the auditorium. (Plastic cups only in the auditorium)
  • House Open – When the Stage Manager or House Manager open the auditorium doors please take up a position by them.
  • Tickets – Check tickets if necessary.  Check that glass is not being taken into the auditorium; drinks should only be in plastic cups and finally check the toilets are vacant before closing the auditorium door with the house manager.
  • Closing the House – When the audience is seated ensure that the doors are closed and the curtains are drawn. Be aware some productions use the auditorium as an entrance, if this is case you will be given instructions in advance.
  • In-performance – During the performance be aware of anyone in the audience in need of assistance, especially if they need to leave the auditorium.
  • Interval – During the interval, D1 Steward should leave the Auditorium as soon as possible for ice cream selling. Ice creams are £2.50 each. Whilst card payment is preferred, a float is available for those customers who insist on using cash. At the end of the interval give the float and takings to the House Manager.
  • Coffee Bar – The steward from D10 should assist at the coffee bar. Meet at the coffee bar and assist with queue management and distributing coffee as required. Taking card payments from those who have not preordered.
  • Customer Care– During the interval please remember your key task is looking after our customers. Remain in the foyer helping where you can, collecting coffee cups etc.
  • End of Interval – At the end of the interval, when the three-minute announcement is heard, both Stewards please resume your duties by the auditorium door and ensure that any drinks taken in are in plastic cups.
  • End of Show – At the end of the performance, open the fire exit to allow patrons to leave. Say a friendly thanks and goodnight and keep an ear out for any feedback.
  • Finally – clear plastic cups and other rubbish from the auditorium and check for any lost property. (Pass any lost property to the house manager)

If there is any feedback from the audience, however small, please ask the House Manager to pass it on to Wendy.

As you finish your duties, please don’t forget to hand your badge and torch back to the House Manager.

Evacuation Procedure #

If the fire alarm sounds you should evacuate unless told otherwise by the House Manager.

Details of the evacuation procedure can be found in the separate leaflet. Please read this carefully so you are aware of your responsibilities.

The safety of all persons within the building is the responsibility of the House Manager and the Stage Manager.

The House Manager and/or Stage Manager may call for the evacuation of the building or carry out further investigations prior to doing so. The House Manager may also stop an evacuation and silence alarms if they are confident of the cause.

Fire, Gas Leak, Bomb Threat and other scenarios requiring evacuation of the building. #

The control box staff shall be instructed to raise the main auditorium lighting to full and, if practical, close the main stage curtains.

The Stage Manager or House Manager shall enter the Auditorium instruct the stewards to open the fire doors and make an announcement. (at this point you should ensure both fire exit doors are opened wide and the curtains drawn clear.)

As a steward your task is to ensure the audience exit the auditorium safely and promptly. No one should attempt to collect any personal possessions.

Guide the audience to the grass area out the front of the building near Handside Lane.

Shout instructions to the audience clearly and forcefully ensuring they know where they are going.

Be aware of persons requiring assistance.
Do not at any moment put yourself in any danger, be aware of what is happening and ensure you are clear of the building in a timely manner. Once the auditorium is clear, report to the House Manager at the front of the building where the assembly point is located.

The House Manager shall contact the emergency services via the 999 system giving the Theatre address and contact name and Number.

The House Manager shall remain at the front of the Building and act as the main point of contact with the emergency services.

Other Emergencies #

Depending on the nature of the problem, they are left to the initiative of the House Manager and Stage Manager adapting the above to address the situation.

Defibrillator #

At the front of the building is a publicly accessible defibrillator. 999 can direct anyone in the area to use this if required.

The code for the cabinet is 159X

Created by John
Last update:
13th January 2025



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Charity Preview Night
6th February at 8.00pm

CEDAR Trust Tickets

All Other Performances
7th – 15th February at 8.00pm
Matinee on 15th at 2.00pm