Inevitably, the time comes to all to make that final curtain call, so in remembrance of those who have passed through our lives, I have recorded the obituaries as reported in the Barn News since 1969 to 2022.
The obituaries have been written by various members; their names have been included when indicated in the Barn News. All those without a name attached are assumed to have been written by Barn News editors Ray Aspey and Keith Thompson, Keith has in fact written by far the majority for which we thank him.
All members will be included irrespective of how their importance or involvement in the Club may be judged and if you find something is missing or incorrect please just get in touch.
If you wish to search for someone specifically please use the Archive Search page or download the full Obituary PDF here.
Robert Gill
Michael Annand
Michael didn't get involved in any productions directly but contributed to the Barn in countless other ways.