Race Night

3rd December 2011 at 20:00:00

Come and spend an evening at the races and help raise funds for The Studio Project.

Place a bet and watch your horse from a selection of sealed DVD films. Losing means more funds for The Studio Project!

As well as betting on a horse you can own one. You can buy a horse for £5 on the night, or £3 in advance by contacting Nigel Rive , and win fabulous prizes – including a £30 voucher from Godshaw’s Jewellers, a photo-shoot donated by Simon Wallace, and a Mont Blanc pen. There are only 56 horses so the odds are pretty good!

This will be great fun, and the more ‘owners’ and punters who attend the more dosh we will make. We look forward to seeing you there.

Helpers wanted

If you would like to lend a hand on ‘the tote’ we’d welcome your help. ‘Training’ takes ten minutes! If
you can help please contact Nigel Rive .


An Evening of One-Act Plays at the Barn Theatre Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire - 19th – 22nd February 2025 Growing Pains by Kim Southey and Tuna Fish Eulogy by Lindsay Price
Opening 19th February
By Kim Southey & Lindsay Price



Do you have a question? Do you need help?

Feel free to contact us and we’ll be more than happy to answer your questions.

If you need to contact a specific department eg. Box Office, please select it from the dropdown list.

Top Person @ 12 O'ClockPerson @ 2 O'ClockPerson @ 5 O'ClockPerson @ 7 O'ClockPerson @ 9 O'ClockCentre Heart

Diversity, Equality & Inclusion Statement

At the Barn we are committed to promoting equality and challenging discrimination in all its forms. We strive to create a safe and inclusive environment for all members of the cast and creative team, regardless of their race, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity and will work to prevent any form of discrimination or harassment within our organisation.

Charity Preview Night
6th February at 8.00pm

CEDAR Trust Tickets

All Other Performances
7th – 15th February at 8.00pm
Matinee on 15th at 2.00pm