The Wolves of Willoughby Chase

A Barn Youth production | by Joan Aiken
Directed by Simon Parr
11th – 15th July 2017 at 07:30pm

A heart-warming adventure set in an England overrun with wolves

Caution: This production includes the use of a strobe/flashing light effect

Orphan Sylvia arrives to live with her cousin Bonnie at Willoughby Chase, just as her parents, Sir Willoughby and Lady Green, leave for a long cruise in aid of her ladyship’s health. On the way Sylvia meets a mysterious stranger when her train is attacked. When she gets to her cousin’s she finds that they have been left in the charge of a new governess, Miss Slighcarp, a wicked woman who is plotting to take over Willoughby Chase, the family estate, while Sylvia’s aunt and uncle are away. The girls try and stop Miss Slighcarp, and lead her such a merry dance that she decides they can live there no more.

Sent away to a nearby orphanage run by a friend of Miss Slighcarp, the girls are put to work so hard that Sylvia becomes ill. With the help of a new friend the girls escape and make their way to London with many adventures along the way before returning to Willoughby Chase to try and defeat the evil governess and her henchmen.

Set in an alternative Victorian England where wolves roam the countryside, and where the winters are bleak and frozen this is a beautiful story of two cousins joined in adversity, showing resilience, courage and initiative in the face of wicked adults, foul weather, wolves, long journeys, sickness and deceit. In a departure from the wonderful musicals put on recently by Barn Youth, this play has a smaller cast, with a chorus adding to the atmosphere as the action moves along. All parts, including adult roles, will be played by young actors, allowing them to test themselves and show their skills to bring audiences a chilling but ultimately heart-warming adventure.


Directed by
Simon Parr


Miss Slighcarp
Mr Grimshaw
James / Mr Wilderness
Dr Field / Chorus / Wolf
Aunt Jane / Schoolgirl (Emma) / Chorus / Wolf
Gertrude Brisket / Chorus / Wolf
Mr Gripe /Sir Willoughby / Chorus / Wolf
Dr / School Inspector / Chorus / Wolf


Production Manager
Stage Manager
Assistant Stage Manager
Poster & Program


An Evening of One-Act Plays at the Barn Theatre Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire - 19th – 22nd February 2025 Growing Pains by Kim Southey and Tuna Fish Eulogy by Lindsay Price
Opening 19th February
By Kim Southey & Lindsay Price



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Diversity, Equality & Inclusion Statement

At the Barn we are committed to promoting equality and challenging discrimination in all its forms. We strive to create a safe and inclusive environment for all members of the cast and creative team, regardless of their race, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity and will work to prevent any form of discrimination or harassment within our organisation.

Charity Preview Night
6th February at 8.00pm

CEDAR Trust Tickets

All Other Performances
7th – 15th February at 8.00pm
Matinee on 15th at 2.00pm